Friday, July 26, 2019

Impact of Education on Veterans Empowerment to Enhance Careers and Job Essay

Impact of Education on Veterans Empowerment to Enhance Careers and Job Satisfaction - Essay Example Soldiers of the World War II spent a considerable period of their lives in the battle field. Incidences taking place in the battle field caused psychological torture and trauma on these soldiers. During their homecoming, the process was characterized by a mixture of feelings and emotions. While those left in their homes advanced academically and improved in the social class, particularly friends and relatives, the soldiers were less educated, with their education stagnating. The civilians acquired higher education and got married, changed their lifestyles among others. On the contrary, the war soldiers came back to start their lives, some from destroyed families and others stalled careers. These problems they faced right on their return were too hard to bear. To solve them, they required economic, financial and psychological support. As a congratulatory message, they were presented with a range of benefits after completing the GI program. Education largely featured among these benefi ts. The potential of education in bringing the soldiers back to normal life as well as putting them in the same social class contributed to this emphasis. Many scholars undertook to conduct studies on the effects of these benefits in transforming the lives of these soldiers. While some argued that these were of no use in changing their way of life, others were confident that they would adequately change them. It is due to these conflicting studies and arguments that I will conduct this study. Its main intent wil

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